Symptoms of a False Twin Flame or Energy Theft

Do you think you might have found your true twin flame? Or are you with a false twin flame? Is it possible you might have entered into a relationship of energy theft? The following list may assist you in determining the quality of the relationship that you’re in and may assist you in measuring the value behind remaining involved or ensuring the cessation of a nightmare. Please note that not every item on this list is an indication of either a false twin flame or an energy thief and in some cases a true twin flame may subtly exhibit a couple of the points on the list. Use intuition and an open mind in evaluating the risks involved in the relationships that you engage in and do not allow yourself to become a victim of a relationship that is destroying the person that you are or disrupting you from pursuing your individual goals. If you think you might be involved with a false twin or an energy stealer this following post may be of further assistance: True vs False Twin Flame: Soul Toxicity Energy Theft

  1. Obsession over the person and constant daydreams consume most waking hours. (True twin flames are on a mission to become “whole” prior to uniting with one another and therefore are unlikely to obsess over one another or allow thoughts to prevent them from their personal missions.)
  2. There is an overpowering sexual energy exchange. (This could manifest in a plethora of ways. A false twin or an energy stealer is quite likely to leave you feeling “used” or “violated” from the sexual act. Furthermore, sexual manipulation is common and may lead to experiences where sexuality is demanded in order to gain access to things needed or wanted. Sex may be used as a form of trade and there is no concern regarding the emotions associated with manipulating sexual surrender in order to gain peace, negotiation, collaboration or assistance among many other things that come naturally in a healthy relationship. A true flame is likely to be revitalizing and even inspire motivation within you toward other objectives in other areas of your life. There is a healing quality to love-making that isn’t present in the false twin.)
  3. A feeling of apprehension when interacting with them in person or even at a distance via phone or email. (A false twin doesn’t provide the comfort and consolation that a true flame is capable of giving you. Rather, there is this nervous feeling that you may or may not be able to identify with. It is often without recognizable cause but could also be due to fears associated with altercations, allegations or anticipating negative news as an outlet to other frustrations or issues the false twin is facing.)
  4. Communication thru dreams with messages is less recognized because it is disregarded as merely a dream. A false twin will usually show up in dreams displaying animosity, malice or appear in visions within the dreams that represent dilemmas of personal distress. (True flames are also common in dreams and can often communicate with dreams as well. The dreams usually entail pleasant emotions, comfort and sometimes confessions. For instance, a confession of admiration or endearment and awakening with a happy feeling with renewed optimism is also common of a true flame subconscious connection. It’s also not uncommon that true flames and false flames appear in sexually based dreams but the content of the dream may also be rather telling in terms of overall feeling experienced; negative or positive emotional response.)
  5. The creation of personal and emotional distance and intentionally being unavailable to needs and avoid accountability for actions of harm or malice. (Do not expect support, compassion or assistance if in personal need if it is inconvenient them. There may be episodes of complete abandonment during crisis and provoking behavior in inappropriate moments where emotional distress would be warranted. A false twin or energy stealer rarely takes responsibility for their actions or admit to their wrongdoings. They may also play victim to things and are incapable of empathy or remorse. This attribute is quite similar to the description of a psychopath and in psychological terms a psychopath and an energy stealer are one in the same.)
  6. There is controlling and manipulative behavior. (You’re not a human being to a false twin and manipulation—emotional or otherwise—is common. The need to control and manipulate is very strong here and there is no trust invested into the relationship. This is because they are not trustable and investing trust isn’t something familiar if the entire concept is foreign. The control is service to the ego and there is often a great need for complete adherence. Disobedience may result in emotional, physical, mental or other repercussions. They possess an amazing ability to make you feel at fault or guilty for non-compliance.)
  7. They do not open up easily but draw out your secrets. (This is to gain control because they learn your weaknesses and vulnerabilities. They’re able to learn about you this way in order to gain control over you and to easily manipulate you into servitude. This also gives them power to use your weaknesses to impose guilt and remorse on your behalf to further ensure their power over you remains intact.)
  8. Explosive or aggressive expression upon efforts to standup your ground and are unreceptive to your version or perception on conflicted interests. (Your opinion doesn’t matter and if you feel violated, disrespected, used or abused then they will be completely unreceptive to discussion. There is an absolute denial to fault and will not tolerate being subjected to your account of anything that is in opposition to their stance or motive. Any efforts to be heard will lead to aggressive altercations and could easily provoke explosive verbal abuse with the potential of worsening depending upon the extent of the power they perceive to possess over you.)
  9. Natural disinterest in your achievements unless there is a clear personal benefit to them and remain void of excitement when it comes to your personal accomplishments or success. (There is no emotional investment in your quality of life or betterment of self unless it involves them. If there is a financial increase or promotion then they may exhibit response if it can also improve their quality of life otherwise there is no interest present. The dreams and personal aims you strive for are no concern of their own and therefore will not play an active role in support. It will be denied if confronted and they will generate excuses or fabricate fictitious examples then accuse you of not taking notice of their efforts. This tends to be the case regardless of whether their manipulation is apparent or not.)
  10. Intense jealousy is displayed and they will make an effort to provoke jealousy within you to service their ego. (This could be done in a number of ways; vividly displaying attraction to another, providing detailed information regarding their past to make you feel inadequate, etc. Jealousy may be present in many relationships that are far less toxic but with the true flame there is security that is present that prevents any level of jealousy from reaching a point of vindictive behavior with the intent to inflict emotional wounds.)
  11. Personal bouts of confusion, difficulty deducing direction, and abrupt changes interrupt plans in your life as a result. (The draining of energy caused by the “energy stealer” or false twin is likely to cause major chakra imbalance. The “shame” generated from the relationship is a challenge to the solar plexus willpower and confidence; a depletion of confidence and defeat is likely to disrupt mental agility and focus. Other misalignment with chakras are also impacted such as the ability to communicate effectively and suffering from scattered thoughts among many other symptoms associated with energy depletion.)
  12. The experience of an unexplainable series of misfortune or bad luck. (Due to the depletion of vital energy balance in subtle body physiology and the interconnection to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual existence a series of repercussions from involvement in the relationship may negatively influence your entire life. You might find work performance failing, motivation diminishing, once healthy relationships facing challenge, support networks failing, financial resources draining and efforts wasted in changing the course.)
  13. Similarly to the above, other aspects of your life might not flow as easily as they once had prior to entering into this toxic relationship. (You might have had certain talents or abilities that no longer come as naturally or require significantly more effort to stimulate. All areas of your life become a struggle and nothing seems to be going right because the natural methods of handling these areas of your life. The energy resources within are drained due to the relationship.)
  14. Frequently feeling disorientated, emotional drainage, and worry without recognizable cause while in the company of the false twin or energy stealer. (This could easily remain with you even when you’re not in proximity to the person. These symptoms either within range or at a distance often include difficulty focusing and scattered thoughts. The tendency to worry is heightened within their company because of the emotional receptivity to them is high. This is a very vulnerable position for empaths. They may become tense or agitated and an immediate emotional and physiological response occurs. Often a feeling of apprehension arises and panic to resolve whatever issue that might be causing their heightened tension or agitation is activated.)
  15. False twins or energy stealers are reputed to cuddle or to desire physical contact with you as a means of acquiring vitality from you while you’re asleep. This may not always be the case in order to effectively drain vital energy. In theory, many possess a tendency to be distant and aloof during waking hours in and pursue physical closeness during sleep. (Theoretically, a true twin doesn’t require physical closeness to connect with you but a false twin finds this absolutely essential in order to validate the relationship and may even base the quality of the rapport upon physical closeness alone.)
  16. They have a reluctance of eye contact or will be incapable of locking eyes for any extended period of time. However, in the event there is suspicion or aggression then there is no hesitation to glare or to give a look of malice. (This individual is not naïve of treating their partners as subhuman. They’re quite aware and usually the evasion of eye contact has less to do with emotional guilt as it does the desire to conceal intent or motives.)
  17. They may manipulate your time by being habitually late, cancelling plans without notice or forgetting to call when expected. (This is not a telltale sign of an energy stealer or false twin if it’s not intentional with the sole purpose to cause inconvenience. There are people with busy schedules, various priorities, natural forgetfulness or other personal attributes that may be the root cause of some of these behaviors. Use your intuition in analyzing the situation, character, extent of behavior to determine if this is incidental or intentional.)
  18. The blame game is often played. Due to their absolute refusal to be accountable for anything they will bring up the past to justify something that they had done. (This is a form of psychological and emotional abuse even if there is something within the past that you feel badly about. Furthermore, take notice that the past is often altered when recalled and used in this manner. There will often be additions to the story or allegations associated with the past event that are inaccurate. Efforts to refute the statement are usually in vain. This behavior is often accompanied by discrediting the past and current efforts that you’ve made; either by altering facts surrounding your efforts or suggestion that the effort is associated with a devious motive.)
  19. Inflation of personal achievements or acts of kindness on their behalf. (There is often a massive overemphasis on any act of kindness. As the victim, you’re likely to connect with those acts of kindness and appreciate them with the expression of gratitude. The appreciation is usually not sufficient enough to appease them because they require more recognition and praise. The ego present is massive in such relationships and they absolutely dismiss any attempts to exhibit gratitude or deny your efforts of expression had ever occurred.)
  20. Continue to stalk or make repeated attempts to reconcile after separation. (Every effort including the acknowledgment of their wrongdoings surface along with a promise of change. Expect an elaborate proclamation of love and admiration to win back favor. Those who have taken energy stealers back often found that the situation almost instantaneously resorted back to its previous state within 24-hours or even less. There was never any real intention of adjusting. Remember, you’re more of a possession or personal property that they own than a human being. A cellphone may be useful for various reasons at first but over time the depreciation occurs. Regardless if the energy stealer or fake twin wishes to remain with you indefinitely, the longer the duration of the relationship the more in jeopardy you become in losing self.

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9 thoughts on “Symptoms of a False Twin Flame or Energy Theft

  1. All of these symptoms have proven true. He is an energy vampire who has actually stated that he feeds from me. He presented the idea that we are twins to me. I am now in the process of removing him from my spiritual space. Thank you for this confirmation of what has been happening in my life.


  2. All the hallmarks of a past relationship with a false twin…never the less just as passionately intense it may of been, utterly soul destroying, energy depleting and unbelievable amounts of emotional confusion and distress, very heavily disguised by a masterful manipulator..


  3. Wish I had encountered literature on this subject years ago. Could have spared me the long nightmare that I endured!

    And, I agree with all of what this articles says, except for the cuddling part. Most (not all) of my evil non-twins did not cuddle, and cuddling with the real one is energising and healing (though, as it says, unnecessary for the connection itself 🙂


  4. False twins are always physically beautiful and use their beauty to steal energy and attention, while true tf’s see NOT exterior beauty in each other but inner beauty and the beauty of a soul.


  5. Just what I’m experiencing right now.Most detailed article I’ve seen yet.It will help alot in ditching this false twin flame.


  6. I literally checked all but one of these for my ex. We broke up almost three months ago and this guy continues to try to contact me via facebook and text messaging. I blocked his messages so I don’t receive them and I erased his number. The thing with a false twin is when you connect with him/her, your connection will be physical and emotional. It will lack all four areas of connection. With my ex he connected with me physically, which made the sex explosive and feel like we were supposed to be. However, our way of thinking was so far off, we didn’t understand and communicate well. We argued all of the time. We were together for almost four years. I always felt like he unstabilized my emotions, like he attached himself to me emotionally, in a strange way. However, my soul felt drained like there was a huge darkness over it. I felt like the relationship itself was death. I got out of it more than once and went back. He had a hold on everything but my heart. I felt deep down it was wrong and I was empty where it mattered most concerning him. a good three weeks before we broke up I began talking to someone else. The very first conversation we had instilled such a deep connection that I couldn’t continue with the way things were. The weirdest thing was this guy touched the very center of my heart. It was like he awoke it in a way I’ve only felt once in my life. He reminded me that I had a heart. He reminded me of everything I’d forgotten in my past as well. Good and bad. Ironically enough he was Hispanic. I have always had a strange connection with Hispanic men. They seem to come into my life to usher in a new consciousness for me. I don’t know why, but the most lessons I have learned about myself have come from Hispanic men. The weirdest thing is he reminds me of my brother as well as myself, like an equal mix. Anyway, when I was 18, I met the first guy I fell in love with. He was the first guy who made me aware of love. He broke my heart and left. I went through a series of interesting events through out life. I could never feel that love again. However, I met another guy who invoked those same feelings but sooner than later and faster. It was like he reminded me I had a heart. He seemed to bring me into an acceptance of myself that I hadn’t had before. This guy brought a coming together of my soul I’ve never experienced, but the guy doesn’t talk to me anymore outside of work and the oddest thing is he told me he felt the same way I did. Ironically enough, he would be the one to sound surprised that I felt the way he did. I also notice that when ever I have a doubt, he’s always unconsciously been able to clear that doubt with reassurance. My ex would confirm my doubt all of the time. I also believe that this guy and I are supposed to be together and my mind can’t rationalize how it’s possible when we are not together, but I also notice that since I have met the guy I have a hard time dating other people or even desiring interaction with the opposite sex. I guess I’m trying to sort this out. What ever it is. I’m usually a very level headed person and this is all strange and upsetting to me. All I can do is feel. It doesn’t feel bad either. I just know I find myself praying he will be protected and that he will be alright. I fear that something bad could happen to him because he lives a lifestyle contradictory to his nature. To me it’s dangerous and scary. I tell him all of the time he needs to grow up. I realize that for as much as I love him and want to be with him and how much I believe he desires to be with me, he has decisions about what he wants to do in his life that he needs to make and none of these involve me. He has to do it on his own. That’s my biggest concern is that he does right by himself.


  7. All I can say is, dammmnnnnn! This described my person and the relationship to the T! Wooooooow! I don’t feel bad for leaving! I hope he give up on me, I can’t handle the stalking!!! Thank u


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