The Major Arcana: The Hierophant

 The Hierophant is also known as The High Priest as it is the masculine counterpart to the High Priestess in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. It’s ruled by the zodiac archetype Taurus and is further recognized as Chiron, the Pope and the Shaman. This is because the Hierophant depicts a religious figure and is found within a formal spiritual environment that correlates with three tiers of existence or the three worlds. Continue reading “The Major Arcana: The Hierophant”

The Major Arcana: The Emperor

 The Emperor is the natural complementary figure to that of the Empress. The Empress is feminine energy and the Emperor reflects the Masculine Principle as she does the Feminine Principle. He also represents the Animus and the Patriarch. Therefore, he is quite the opposing force associated with authority and power. Continue reading “The Major Arcana: The Emperor”

Major Arcana: The Fool

 The Fool is the most controversial card in a tarot deck. This is because it is numbered 0 and 0 is the number of limitless potential. The Fool may also be numbered 22 and doesn’t hold a specific position within the sequence of the Major Arcane and may be positioned in the beginning (0) or at the end (22). The power of 0 is irrefutable throughout history and has a tremendous influence on human consciousness and benefit to all mankind. Continue reading “Major Arcana: The Fool”

Tarot Basics: The Major Arcana

 The standard tarot card deck consist of 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards equaling a total of 78 total in a deck. The Minor Arcana is divided into four suits; wands, cups, pentacles and swords. Every card in the tarot deck is relevant in understanding the system behind this divination tool. Albeit, the Major Arcana (also known as the trump cards) are the foundation of the tarot deck and provide greater understanding of ourselves in their illustration of human consciousness. Continue reading “Tarot Basics: The Major Arcana”

The Major Arcana: The Magician

 The Magician is the first numeric card in the Major Arcana and in the tarot deck. The Magician represents the progression of the Fool who obtained wisdom and knowledge from the experiences obtained from the physical world. During the Fool’s journey, the discovery of power resonating from within that enlightens the Fool of the ability to change the reality experienced. Continue reading “The Major Arcana: The Magician”